
Yachad's anti Israel Campaign.

November 29, 2011 16:04
3 min read

The following is a note written on the 'Yachad (UK) does not represent me' page on Facebook:

Yachad and its Director Ms.Weisfeld are pursuing an anti Israel campaign, which will only increase Israels isolation and delegitimization internationally - FACT. As usual, they join in with the worst of the worst anti Israel bashers and as usual their campaign is full of falsehoods, which the Palestinian embassy, the anti Israel Guardian (Which they personally notified) and other anti Israel orgs will use in their pursuit to 'destroy' Israels image, and if they have it their way 'destroy' Israel.

Now, lets talk facts about the people Yachad are supporting ahead of the rightful Jewish owners:


Muhammed Sumarin (the father) and Ahmed Sumarin (the son):
Musa Abdallah Sumarin – died ’83 owner.
His inheritors were absentees landowners, living in enemy countries.
Absentee Property Law, made the State of Israel owners of his land. In the 90’s the State of Israel transferred ownership to ne’emunta in return for land in the north which was owned by Jews, and later turned into an Arab village.

A distant nephew (Muhammed) illegally took over the home after the death of Musa. There was an eviction order to leave the house. He forged a document that Musa sold the property to Muhammed’s father (Machmud), and presented this in the local court “Hashalom”. Despite the enormous contradictions made by the defense in court, the judge ultimately believed the document was real and ruled in Muhammed’s favor.
Later, using the same forged documents, Muhammed tried to sieze property next to the one he had won in court. The case was reopened and went to a higher court (the Regional Court). During the investigation it was revealed both by witnesses that came forward and by the Police Criminal Forgery Unit that the documents presented by Muhammed were forged. In light of this Muhammed lost his case and counter charges were filed against him which reopened the original case. He lost the original property that he had won (because the documents were then declared a forgery) and fined 500,000 nis. He refused to evacuate his property and the fine has now grown to 2,000,000 nis.

Summary Points:
- During the legal proceedings over the home the Sumarin’s presented forged documents to try and obtain rights to this property and other properties that do not belong to them.
- The forgery was discovered during a police investigation in which witnesses came forward and testified to the forgery and also and during the court proceedings from the criminal forgery center.
- As a result of the forgery, the court ruled against the Sumarin’s and in favor of Ne’emunta as the legal owners of the property.
- Despite the decision of the courts, the Sumarins continue to squat on this property, showing a complete disregard for the legal system. This is not surprising since it was this very legal system which they tried to manipulate in order to try and seize land that is not theirs.
- The Sumarins are trying to manipulate the local community and the international community by putting on a charade by playing the role of the victim when in fact they are the true villain.
- The facts are that they illegally seized a property, used forged documents to try and deceive the courts, and are now refusing to leave a property which they never owned in the first place.
While they make spurious claims that they will be left in the streets, they are in fact deliberately hiding the fact that they own a four story building down the street which they have rented out for years.

It is time to pull the cover off this charade and understand that this is a premeditated scheme to illegally seize control of property which does not belong to them, while just down the street they are renting out an apartment building to tenants in the area. The absurdity here is that the land the Sumarin’s illegally seized was state property which was exchanged for Jewish owned land in the north of Israel which was used to build an Arab village.
All the above information has been gathered from Lawyers in Israel. For further information please contact the admins of the page.