Turkey is a member of NATO and has been since 1952. As such it has information about NATO’s military capacity, strategy etc. Turkey has also had a long-standing relationship with the Israeli military and knows a lot about Israel’s weaponry. Turkey may also be party to NATO and Israeli secrets which would be of interest to its and Israel’s enemies.
At the same time as Turkey is a member of NATO it is blatantly supporting the Iranian regime and Hamas (Erdogan publicly stated that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation but people fighting to defend their land!)
I believe that Turkey is now in breach of the NATO charter and should be suspended indefinitely. Surely its cosying up to regimes inimical to the other members of NATO is extremely dangerous and, of course, although Israel is not a member of NATO, the same danger applies. We do not know what Turkey knows about Israel’s secrets.
We need influential organisations to put out this story. There has been absolutely no mention of the problem with Turkey’s NATO membership in the press as far as I know.
With Israel under attack from every conceivable angle it is important to put pressure on the Turkish government which has got away scot free after the flotilla incident for which it was responsible. It is vital to restore a secular democracy to Turkey for Israel’s sake and to thwart Islamist states like Iran. Turkey is pivotal to Europe’s and Israel’s interests, so why the silence?