
Something stinks in Britain

December 1, 2011 18:50
1 min read

The National Union of Strumpets executive has unanimously voted to condemn King’s College London and "demand" that it ceases participation in a research project with Israeli cosmetics company Ahava.

King’s College Palestine Campaign (shorthand for Hate Israel Campaign) organised a petition with 1,000 signatures (compare that with the number of strumpets who belong to the NUS), it apparently included that well known self hating Jew Noam Chomsky and pro-Palestinian (short hand for Jew hater)campaigner who studies at the Israeli taxpayers expense at Tel Aviv University (the ungrateful slob) Omar Barghouti.

Support was pledged by the Universities and Colleges Union representative at King’s College - no surprise there.

This week the Strumpets' National Executive Council passed a motion demanding “the immediate end of the university’s involvement in the project, and the rejection of the financial grant King’s has received for its participation.”

The motion passed said strumpets “strongly urge King’s College London to re-evaluate its commitments to ethical research, and establish a formal ethical research policy, to prevent a similar situation from arising in the future that compromises the university’s integrity and respect for international law.” As if - LSE and Saif Ghaddaffi immediately comes to mind let alone the millions the despotic Arab regimes are pouring into Middle East studies at UK Universities which the strumpets presumably believe are ethical. (Note to Walinets: See Israel not singled out for special attention - yeah right).

The university is part of a four-year European Commission - approved research project, into potential risks that “nanomaterial” (microscope man-made cells which may be used to treat illness in future) could affect human health and the environment. But don't let that get in the way of the strumpets' hatred for Israel.

King’s College is one of the partners on the NanoReTox project, as is Ahava, Imperial College London, the Natural History Museum, and universities from Denmark, France, Spain, Belgium and Italy.

A spokesman for the college said: “King’s College London is a minor partner, along with eleven other international partners from academia, government and industry.

"King’s is supplying risk communications expertise on the project and has no involvement with Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories. The project, which will be completed in 2012 is a significant piece of research.”
But of course unwarranted strumpet hatred for Israel outweighs all considerations.