
Oy Va Goy

February 13, 2009 09:40
1 min read

The pressure's really on now! Having committed myself to regular (at least weekly) updates on my blog, I've not quite lived up to my own expectation! However, having been mentioned in the brilliant Oy Va Goy blog written by my excellent friend, Chas Newkey-burden - I feel obliged to make regular updates to my own...which I will do!

In the meantime, I'd recommend you go and check out Oy Va Goy which offers a unique insight into the life of a self-proclaimed philosemite. While I don't agree with all Chas's observations, it's amazing to have someone non-Jewish who is so supportive and passionate about the State of Israel, and unashamed about it all!

Shabbat shalom to everyone and keep up the good work Chas ;-)