
Now we're 64: Ambassador Taub's children steal the show

April 30, 2012 15:09
1 min read

At the Israeli Embassy's Yom Ha'atzmaut celebration last week, Ambassador Daniel Taub's children wowed guests with their version of "When I'm 64".

The song, performed by Judah, Sophie, Reuven, Asher and Amichai Taub, had the audience clapping and cheering - and for good reason.

When we were younger, when Israel began, not so long ago

We didn't have it easy and life was rough, and you could say that our neighborhood's tough

But we gave it our passion, we gave it our all, with chutzpa by the score,

We said: "if you will it, then you can fulfill it",

And now we're 64!

Without too much water, without too much oil, we had to use our heads,

Now we can put a satellite in space just fine, we're just not good at standing in line,

We can invent but can't sit on a plane, our driving's pretty poor,

But keeping our eyes on, the distant horizon,

We've got to 64!

We couldn't have done it, without all the friends, who helped us on the way,

So thanks to the supporters who wish us so well, to investors like Google and Intel,

To news correspondents who check all their facts, to the groups who come to tour,

Thanks for believing in what we're achieving,

Now we're 64!