Phone rings in the JC Newsroom. "Is that the Jewish Chronicle?"
Me: "Yes."
She: "I know you will think this is silly, but... it's about this so-called aid convoy."
Me: "Yes?"
She:"Well, I wondered if the Israelis had read PD James' book, The Black Tower."
(I am now wondering if it was the right thing to do to have answered the phone.)
Me: "Why?"
She: "Well, you see, in the book, a religious community is on its way to Lourdes. They are meant to be irreproachable and moral, and they are taking wheelchairs with them. And it turns out that the wheelchairs are being used to transport drugs. And I read that there were wheelchairs on the Gaza ship. And I just wondered if someone might ask the Israelis if they had checked the wheelchairs. Because the plot is so similar, you see."
(Me, with difficulty): "Have you thought of calling the Israeli embassy?"
She: "I don't think English is their first language. And they might not have read PD James. But if you could just call them..."
It's a joy working here.