The wait is over for Waity Katie. A big Mazel Tov to Prince William and his new princess Kate Middleton.
The natural question now is whether the Royal Wedding of the Century (my copyright) will have any impact on the Jewish world.
Which Jewish celebs will be invited? Will Lord Sacks be there and will he be eating Hermolis or Tony Paige? When are they going to have a L’Chaim? Will she be heading to Hatton Garden for a diamond ring?
To clear a few things up, I’ve had a look in our archives from the other Royal Wedding of the Century – Charles and Di, in 1981.
Turns out the then Chief Rabbi Jakobovits was not invited. The JC explained: “Apart from the fact that the wedding was not officially a state occasion, the invitations were not issued on a community basis…those senior clergy who were invited were all Christian clergy, who participated in the marriage service”.
Ahh. But apparently he did still send a letter to the royal couple wishing them mazel tov.
Other JC readers also found ways to send their congratulations. Make-up artist Barbara Daly from Leeds “made up Lady Diana” while one restaurant apparently sent the Princess of Wales “a gallon of borscht”.
The Wagman family of East Finchley even shlepped up to St Paul’s Cathedral for the occasion with her husband and two kids, to hold up a large “mazeltov Chas and Di” sign decorated with the Israeli flag. The JC added: “The Wagmans believe that the Prince of Wales smiled when he saw.”
And best of all, for what royal wedding would be complete with out this? A New York deli even made a chopped liver cake in honour of the occasion.
When asked why they chose such an unconventional tribute, they said: “What else? We’re a Jewish delicatessen!”