
Julian Assange's Warped Mind

December 21, 2010 11:54
1 min read


Julian Assange is a traitor who has put thousands of people in danger by publishing confidential information about sites of strategic importance. He has made many people - diplomats and others - reluctant to communicate, other than on a secure telephonic link. If found guilty of these and other crimes of which he is accused, he should be punished with the full force of the law.

Now - outrageously - Assange has compared himself to "the Jewish people in the 1950s and before".


As Melanie Phillips noted in the context of a similar outrageous comparison (made by Shahid Malik, a Minister in the last UK government) Jews "in the 1950s and before" were singled out for persecution and annihilation. Assange is being singled out for neither. Nor is he being singled out for attack.

He is simply being asked to face justice.

The offence of Assange's comment is made greater still by the fact that Wikileaks employs Israel Shamir, who has been called "an unrepentant antisemite".
