
JNF Slams poor Yachad

December 2, 2011 11:28
1 min read

Yachad - 'We are pro Israel pro Peace.'

So are The Board, Zionist Federation, Stand with Us and the British Israel Coalition also pro Israel pro Peace.
So what is the difference?

Let's try again:

Yachad - We are pro Israel pro Peace. If you would like to find any material that helps delegitmize Israel and dehumanize the Jewish people, please contact us. We provide new material everyday. Our customers include the Palestine Embassy and the Guardian.

That's better!

Yachad are making a habit of assaulting Israel. Yachad make a mockery of the term 'Pro Israel.' As time goes by, more and more people are getting the message. Now they have shot themselves in the foot again. This time, JNF UK Chairman Samuel Hayek told them to shut up. Here is his statement following a legal housing dispute in Jerusalem, which Yachad tried to use in vein to politicize and demonize Israel.

It's no surprise that Samuel Hayek is Sephardic of Iraqi decent like myself. I said in a previous blog, the vast majority of Sephardim view Yachad as hostile to Israel.

JNF UK chairman Samuel Hayek was quoted as saying that his charity was "not involved with this dispute. The courts in Israel have made their decision and it is not for us to interfere."

He continued: "We are disappointed that Yachad has thought it prudent to describe the outcome of this court case as proof of Israel's 'policy of Judaising Jerusalem'. This is a lie that gives a great deal of legitimacy to those who seek to demonise the state of Israel and dehumanise the Jewish people."

Yachad's campaign, he said, had been "endorsed by a number of anti-Israel organisations and the Palestinian diplomatic mission in the UK, thus contributing towards delegitimisation. The actual facts of the case paint a rather different picture to the demagogic interpretation provided by Yachad."