
israeli oranges in iran (the usual suspects hijack a blog again)

November 24, 2016 22:56
2 min read

this blog was originally about jewish refugees from arab lands and their right to return or compensation

the usual suspects (i'm not including you, deborah) came along and derailed the blog into a discussion of palestinian refugees and whether they left willingly

i asked the moderators to stop this at the start, but they didn't

so i've removed the original text of this blog, and the original title, and i'll re-post them in a fresh blog, at … hopefully, that won't be derailed!

too many blogs here are hijacked by the usual suspects and derailed from the original topic

on most internet forums, posting off-topic is frowned on, and sanctions are applied, but here it seems to be acccepted

well, if they can post off-topic, so can i

israeli oranges in iran

from my little bowl, i noticed recently that iran has been visited with a plague of oranges ° not falling from the sky and killing all the firstborn cattle, but lying unexploded in boxes waiting to terrorise the population ° only the vigilance of the iranian fruit police has exposed this insurgence, with its international connections

the oranges were displayed for sale around teheran, masquerading as good chinese oranges, but they were found to have originated from jaffa, and were imported via dubai in boxes with chinese lettering ° clearly an international conspiracy seeks to undermine the iranian republic with sweetness and easy peelability 

the israeli government has, as is usual on security matters, refused to comment ° but it is known that jerusalem has been visited by a top american spy with the code-name agent orange ° and a rabbi in jaffa recently gave a sermon on the verse "out of sweetness came forth strength"

israel's orange enrichment program is an open secret, and the whole city of tel-aviv "never sleeps" in its single-minded sixty-year quest for the "big orange"

already iranian dissidents are openly eating these oranges in public, in defiance of the strict fruit laws ° by the cunning zionist trick of removing the labels, they are making it impossible for the fruit police to tell who is a good peace-loving citizen and who is a dangerous dissident and counter-revolutionary

as a result, the government is trying to recall all oranges, officially for "safety inspections", but in reality for stockpiling for use against iran's arab neighbours ° but the people are hiding and even burying their oranges, and bringing them out for wild anti-government orange parties when the inspectors have gone

the police have arrested all the usual black marketeers, but they cannot find the orange marketeers who are running the orange underground ° anarchists in isfahan started a rumour that israel had grown an army of mutant oversized oranges which were parachuting into iran disguised as grapefruit, and many innocent grapefruit were crushed in the panic

the orange revolution has started! o people of iran, rise up for freedom of fruit! ° remember how william of orange freed ireland from the austrians by rescuing an orange from his son's head! ° where oranges lead, let the people follow! ° the people's flag is deepest orange!

i see a future in which oranges of every persuasion have a place in paradise ° i see a future in which the duck shall lie down with the orange, and a little child shall eat them ° i see that the future is sweet! the future is orange!

i see a lot from my little bowl!

hmm … the usual suspects should have no difficulty staying off-topic from that!

ok then

jon i cohen, you can start