israeli oranges in iran (the usual suspects hijack a blog again)
November 24, 2016 22:56
2 min read
this blog was originally about jewish refugees from arab lands and their right to return or compensation
the usual suspects (i'm not including you, deborah) came along and derailed the blog into a discussion of palestinian refugees and whether they left willingly
i asked the moderators to stop this at the start, but they didn't
so i've removed the original text of this blog, and the original title, and i'll re-post them in a fresh blog, at … hopefully, that won't be derailed!
too many blogs here are hijacked by the usual suspects and derailed from the original topic
on most internet forums, posting off-topic is frowned on, and sanctions are applied, but here it seems to be acccepted
well, if they can post off-topic, so can i …
hmm … the usual suspects should have no difficulty staying off-topic from that!