
Children with biblical names are saintly

September 9, 2009 14:12
1 min read
If your name is Benjamin, Adam, Daniel, Rebecca or Hannah you are likely to be teacher's pet.

According to a new survey by Bounty.com, teachers judge children's behaviour the moment they glance at the register. And Crystal, Demi, Jack and Brooklyn are deemed badly behaved according 3,000 teachers questioned for the research.

Meanwhile a child with a more more solid, traditional name like Charlotte, Elizabeth, Alexander and the ones mentioned above, is more likely to arrive on time, sit nicely and do his or her homework.

Other children who were likely to prove challenging at school (but popular with classmates) included those called Kyle, Aliesha, Casey and Chardonnay.

It sounds like snobbery to me as the naughty names - inspired by TV characters or celebrities - are often picked by the working classes.

However, without wanting to mention any names, my husband, who is a secondary school teacher, concurs with the results.

Since I'm expecting a baby in December I probably ought to weigh up the various merits of being popular with your peers, versus doing well at school and pick a name that is neither too traditional or too faddy.