Jews abroad...
What’s one of the first things we do when we touch down on foreign soil?
Find out where the synagogue is and go and see it.
It may be you only turn up to your local shul at Yom Tovs and the occasional Shabbat but go abroad and nothing can keep us away from the synagogue.
The Jewish Community Centre for London is taking advantage of our natural desire to know about our heritage abroad.
Together with North London photographer Amanda Norton the JCC is compiling an online gallery of the synagogues of the world and all you have to do to be part of it is take your camera on your travels.
By the end of September we are hoping to make a photographic map of the synagogues around the globe.
Whether it is the magnificent architecture of the Tempio Maggiore synagogue in Florence, the more-down-to-earth design of a small synagogue you come across when you are sight-seeing or the synagogue nearest to where you live, take a photo you are proud of and email it to
All contributions will be part of the JCC Around the World in 80 Synagogues online exhibition which you will be able to view here.
The winning photographer will receive a prize courtesy of UK Digital Cameras and the chance to appear in a gallery exhibition next year.
So don’t forget to pack your camera.