
Antisemites - You Don’t Even Go Here

July 13, 2015 17:31
You dont even go here front
1 min read

On July 4, during a neo-Nazi demonstration which was met with the full force of Jewish and anti-fascist fury, there was one banner which stood out.

Referencing to the 2004 classic film Mean Girls (natch), the sign read “You Don’t Even Go Here.”

It was as hilarious as it was true. The fanatics, with their stereotypical skinheads and warped thinking, were an anachronism, completely out of place opposite the established democracy of Downing Street and two WWII monuments.

They were out-shouted for an hour, verbally battered with abuse which was crude, clever and angry, often all at once. Their messages were drowned out; their flags - which included Confederate and ‘White Pride’ banners - looked ridiculous and impotent.

The message from counter-demonstrators was clear: if you come on to our streets trying to tear us apart, we will make your actions pointless and self-defeating.

Now another one is being planned for Finchley , another Jewish area, possibly during the High Holy Days.

For all their strong words of disgust, some organisations failed to show last time , with promises about standing in opposition falling by the wayside after police changed the location.

Of course, it was Shabbat, and the shift to central London would have made it logistically impossible for some to make the protest, particularly after shul.

But an observable gesture of support to Jews living in and visiting central London would have been welcomed with open arms by hundreds of varied counter-demonstrators who came together to reject an objective evil.

It was an easy finish to an excellent move which became an air-shot in front of an open goal.

After all the fruitful discussions and talks with the authorities which got the rally moved, a final, visible show of support would have provided a fitting ending.

Now, unfortunately, there is another chance to combat hatred in the open. Even if it moved away from Finchley, here’s hoping that everyone who says they will turn up to combat intolerance, does so.