
A barking mad nod to Independence Day

If you feel the need for a quick and not too unhealthy culinary toast to the US's big day, look no further

July 4, 2017 17:09
1 min read

I'm still on a go slow, on account of my recent tumble. 

For a few steps the fall out has been disproportionately high and i'm still housebound. 

America Independence Day has not passed me by. How could it when all the recipe sites I follow keep pushing celebratory recipes? 

I'm not American, and goodness knows I should not be celebrating the departure of the Americas from our clutches, but I felt the need to raise a culinary flag. 

I've also been toying with making a yoghurt bark. Bark has been a bone of contention with the JC's lovely Deputy Editor. "If I see one more bark recipe I'll cry" she said the other day. 

Bark does seem to be having a moment. Not the outer coating of a tree, but the invention of cookery writers as simple-to-construct but fantastically photogenic fodder for magazine spreads. That, is the secret of its success and i'm as happy to go with it as the next food editor. My jewelled matzah was a spin on the concept. 

It is more commonly based on melted chocolate, but a yoghurty twist appealed.

So, for supper tonight my children were delighted to receive their fruit and yoghurt pudding mixed with white chocolate chips and frozen in a slab. 

It looks pretty, tastes delicious and ticks the red, white and blue box. 

Having scoffed it in minutes, the verdict from my mini-Fressers? "It's a bit cold..." (Sigh)

Vanilla, berry and choc chip bark:


250g vanilla yoghurt (I used Greek-style from Tim's Dairy)
A handful of mixed summer berries (raspberries and blueberries in my case)
A handful of vanilla choc chips (i'm loving the Guittard ones at the moment)
A tbsp or two of freeze-dried raspberries


  • Line a square baking tin (approximately 20cm) with baking parchment.
  • Wash your berries and pick out a few blueberries.
  • Mix all the ingredients except the reserved blueberries and the freeze-dried raspberries. Be gentle or you'll end up with a pink, red and blue spangled pudding. 
  • Scatter with freeze-dried raspberries. Halve the blueberries and scatter them on top. 
  • Freeze for about 2 hours. It will be almost there in less time, if, like me, it was a last minute decisions.