ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger
Israel-based Husband and wife Peter and Pamela Mond have a way of helping you cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life - but you have to keep shtum.
The duo, both born in the UK, are teachers of the In The Quiet Space, an approach which enables people of all ages to find, keep and use their inner quiet as a coping mechanism.
The concept was established close to nine years ago by a team of Israeli therapists, including Mrs Mond, searching for alternative ways for dealing with the high levels of stress in the educational system in Israel. The Monds are now bringing the concept, developed in the In The Quiet Space Centre in Tsfat, to the United Kingdom where they will hold a series of workshops to promote Peace and Quiet.
Mrs Mond, 59, a drama therapist, tells People: "I believe that in all our rushing, we have lost the time to find that precious and special space inside is. We have found a way to help people return to that space and be better able to deal with things. We want to spread the word to as many people as we can."
How does it work? People are taught to find their inner calm. They are then advised to practice doing so for five minutes every day for 30 days. After that, says Mrs Mond, you will be able to feel a sense of calm whenever you need to.
Social worker Mr Mond, 59, says: "I used the method during the second Lebanese War when rockets were being fired around Tsfat. It's very much part of my life and something the world needs."
He adds: "Every time I go in the car I use itThe couple say the technique can be used any where at any time, even in the office.
Excuse me for five minutes.