One of the most vocal supporters of Israel in parliament has resigned to move to the United States.
Louise Mensch, the Corby MP, is not Jewish but has a strong connection with the community dating back to time as a student in Oxford, when she joined Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's Chabad L'Chaim Society.
Ms Mensch, who is married to Jewish Metallica manager Peter Mensch, said she wanted to spend more time with her husband and three children in New York.
The Conservative MP, who served on the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, heavily criticised the BBC for its weak coverage of the murder of five members of the same Israeli family. She called for the BBC to admit that they had not been even-handed, and earlier this year the outgoing director-general acknowledged that the channel had got it wrong.
Known also for her career as a chick - lit author, Ms Mensch won her seat two years ago with a 1,951 majority. A by-election to replace her will take place on November 15.
A prominent political figure on Twitter, she has spoken of being harassed on the site and earlier this year a man was convicted of sending her a death threat in an email.
She said she was devastated to give up her seat but that it was a "necessary decision" and added that it had been an honour to serve her constituents.
"When I took the post I was in a different position but sometimes life throws you a curve ball that you didn't expect," she said, alluding to the fact that she married her American husband after winning the seat. "We are now going to be moving out to New York as a family."
"It has…proved impossible to balance the needs of my family," she said.