ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger
Reflexologist Lorraine Doron has a sole purpose — to soothe tired feet at simchahs.
The West Sussex-based complimentary therapist has launched Feetivities, a service which offers foot massages at weddings and other Jewish celebrations.
Ms Doron, 50, who set up the company with colleague Morag Turner, tells People: “A client asked me if I would do foot massages at her wedding and the idea came from there. Simchas can be very stressful, and on the day, massages are a welcome respite from the intensity of it all. They are also ideal for people whose feet are tired from dancing.”
The price for two fully qualified therapists is £360 for three hours. Is there really a demand for such a service? “The idea is to give people an extra treat. It needs to be introduced to people. It is very novel.”
Ms Doron has been a complimentary therapist for 15 years. She treats people of all ages including pregnant women, people with special needs and cancer patients.