Lady Gaga wears one - as do actresses Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan. What exactly? Peace bracelets. A growing celebrity trend in America and Europe, the charm bracelets are now available in the UK, thanks to fashion student Jodie Fleischmann.
The 21-year-old has set up a website, which sells the accessories at, she says, a fraction of the cost of other retailers.
She tells People: "I came back from America with a bracelet and everyone was asking me where I got it from. The bracelets were massive in the States. I wanted to bring them over here. I saw that you could get real gold ones but there were none at the cheaper end."
Miss Fleischmann's site is selling a range of four styles at £4.95 each.
The former JFS pupil, who is in her second year at the London College of Fashion, hopes to add other peace-logo lines to the collection.
"We launched at the end of November and I am now just starting to make a profit."