
Jewish and interfaith groups ‘saddened’ by Islamophobia

November 24, 2016 23:01
1 min read

The Board of Deputies, senior rabbis and the Joseph Interfaith Foundation have together released a statement on behalf of the Jewish community expressing their “sadness and concern” at a recent rise in Islamophobic attacks following the murder of soldier Lee Rigby.

The statement said that recent bombings of mosques such as those in Walsall and Wolverhampton were “truly shocking”.

It continued: “We utterly condemn and abhor these hateful actions against the Muslim community. It is particularly distressing that these attacks are taking place during the holy month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, praying, acts of generosity and charity from Muslims.”

It said that: “As a fellow minority group we are particularly sensitive to hate crimes and we extend our full support and solidarity with the British Muslims.”

“The perpetrators of these attacks seek to cause divisions and mistrust between different groups in our society and we are certain that they will not succeed in their endeavours.”

The letter was signed by the Board of Deputies, rabbis representing the United Synagogue, Masorti, Liberal and Reform Judaism, as well as the National Council of Imams and Rabbis and the Joseph Interfaith Foundation.

They add their voices to those of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities who released a similar statement earlier this week.