
James Hyman mashes up Tarantino’s music — and hands it back

July 30, 2009 11:10
James Hyman

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

1 min read

He has DJ-ed for Will Smith, Madonna, Britney Spears and Eminem, and now music supervisor James Hyman counts US film director Quentin Tarantino among his fans.

Mr Hyman, 39, has created a Tarantino-themed CD-mix for the director himself — whose credits include Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill — and Mr Tarantino “loved it”.
Having worked at MTV as a director for more than 12 years, Mr Hyman now describes himself as a “music doctor”and is known for “mashing up” — aka fusing — music and dialogue.

His recently released Pulp Mixin’ creation blends Tarantino’s film footage with music videos. Mr Hyman is now hoping to turn it into a feature-length mash-up film, and has been in talks with producer Harvey Weinstein.
London-based Mr Hyman tells People: “I have met Tarantino a couple of times. He is a real geek — an intense geek but I admire that because it shows passion. He loved the CD and I didn’t get sued.”
“I love music, it’s in my blood,” adds Mr Hyman, whose father’s first cousin was Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein.

Since leaving MTV in 2000, Mr Hyman has diversified into music supervision and set up his own production company, called Green Bandana. He is an expert on marrying music to film, TV, advertising and computer games. Commercial clients include Morrisons, Adidas, Lynx, Vodafone and Sony Ericsson. He has been a music consultant on many movies, including some by Guy Ritchie.
“People are very into mash-ups at the moment. You can do it with a lot of things and it is what a lot of people are doing on the internet,” he says.