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Interview: Beate Klarsfeld

Veteran Nazi-hunter warns over surging far-right in Germany

November 24, 2016 23:20
Beate Klarsfeld

ByIgal Avidan, Igal Avidan

3 min read

Veteran German Nazi-hunter Beate Klarsfeld has attacked the radical-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD), accusing it of inciting hatred of refugees.

On Sunday, the nationalistic, anti-Muslim AfD made unprecedented gains at local elections in three federal states.

According to its manifesto, the AfD wants to ban circumcisions, which cause "serious violations of fundamental rights such as the rights to physical integrity and self-determination of affected children".

Interviewed during a short visit to her home town of Berlin, Mrs Klarsfeld criticised the AfD for spreading fear of refugees and stoking prejudices.