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Essex man challenges school fine

April 8, 2015 15:11

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

1 min read

An Essex man is trying to take his local council to the European Court for Human Rights after being fined for removing his daughter from school during Shavuot.

Paul Clements, from Romford, whose wife is Jewish, was fined £60 by Havering Council after the family went away to Ibiza for five and a half days in term last spring, which included the two days of the festival of Shavuot.

He said that his wife had sought leave of absence from the school for their eight-year-old daughter, mentioning that it was partly for religious observance, but the school had refused.

Mr Clements, who described himself as an atheist, explained his wife was “occasionally practising” and the family attended Jewish gatherings such as a Seder last weekend. But they had not previously applied to take their daughter out of school for a Jewish festival.