
Dave Robson has some life-changing advice

January 13, 2011 10:55
13012011 Dave Robson
1 min read

Dave Robson has changed his life around for the better. And now he wants to help you do the same.

Life coach Mr Robson, 61, has written The Five Pillars of Happiness: Your New Life, Step by Step - a guide to rebuilding your life and achieving the right goals.

He tells People: "This book is different to others as it doesn't presume that it can change your life in an instant. It works around real life, creating subtle changes, gradually."

Mr Robson has practiced the art of meditation, experienced therapies and has studied under the Indian guru, Osho.

The book, he says, is based on the theories he has learned, his own life experiences and those with clients, plus intuition. "I have had many different careers since the 1960s, and when I got divorced in 1982 I decided to reinvent myself and studied life coaching and writing.

"I started writing this book 15 years ago but after learning what I have, I had to rewrite it - the final version was my fifth draft."

He encourages people to "listen to their heart. Your heart is just as powerful as your mind and you must balance it." He believes the book will appeal to anyone who is looking to find meaning in their lives.

"In this current climate of recession, people need guidance more than ever, and hopefully this book will help them to find their purpose quicker than I did."