The launch of Masorti Scotland has infuriated some Glasgow Orthodox synagogue leaders, but the Garnethill congregation is adopting a welcoming approach. Not only has Garnethill agreed to let out a room to the new group - it is also giving Masorti use of its Torah scrolls.
Masorti will hold its first service in the Esterton room on April 24, after which Masorti supporters will join Garnethill congregants for a kiddush. Masorti's plan is to hold fortnightly services until June and then go weekly.
A Masorti spokesman pointed out that "in Oxford, Masorti, Reform and Orthodox share one synagogue and attend each other's services, so it's not unheard of".
Garnethill co-chair Gerald Levin said: "This gives them a base from which to grow, if that is what is to happen. They may come to like being at Garnethill."
In contrast to Garnethill's elderly congregation, the Masorti group has attracted a significant number of young families. "We'll enjoy the noise of children in the building," Mr Levin said. "That is a pleasure we haven't had in ages.
"If we do something, there's a chance we can put a breath of fresh air into the building and keep it going a bit longer. If we do nothing, the community will just die."