
Kingston congregants back rabbi's appointment


Kingston Synagogue members have overwhelmingly supported the board of management’s choice of Rabbi Samuel Landau and his wife Shana as the congregation’s new rabbinic couple.

Shul chair Dr Martin Wolfson said that 90 per cent of those at the meeting had approved the selection. He added that “Rabbi Landau has already visited us a couple of times and the more we have met him, the happier we are that he is joining us. He comes with incredible enthusiasm and a host of ideas and we are very excited about the future of the community under his guidance.”

Currently the youth rabbinic team at Northwood Synagogue, the Landaus will start at Kingston on August 1, immediately after the departure of Rabbi Michael Rosenfeld, whose contract has not been renewed.

Rabbi Landau, 25, has studied in the UK and Israel and is completing a psychology degree.
His wife hails from Sydney and has worked in the construction and property sectors in London. She is also a Mensa member.

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