
JFS pupils make the grade with record A-level results

August 27, 2009 12:54
Hasmonean Girls’ pupils Shifra Radomsky, Sara Kandler, Gabriella Sacofsky and Ariella Rubin are happy with their results
1 min read

JFS has reported its best-ever A-level results with 78 of its 226 pupils achieving three or more A grades.

“Results of this calibre owe much to excellent and highly focused teaching, our outstanding home–school relationships and the caring guidance and support every student receives,” JFS head Jonathan Miller said.

Emily Goldblatt achieved five A grades and six others got four — Joshua Bellman, Abie Cohen, Greg Garfield, Mark Graham, Coren Lass and Shelley de Jong.

As reported last week, Immanuel College, Bushey, also celebrated record results and there were impressive performances from Manchester schools.

Seventy per cent of the 17 A-level pupils at Manchester Mesivta passed with A or B grades.

Joshua Ezekiel achieved As in biology, chemistry, pure maths and physics. Doniel Wilks scored As in chemistry, history, pure maths and physics.

Headteacher Phaivish Pink attributed the results to “concentrated study by the pupils and superb tuition from the staff”.

At Manchester’s King David High, a 100 per cent pass rate included five students with four A grades — Sophie Behrman, Daniel Clyne, Annabelle Gold-Caution, Alan Greenstein and Daniel Fruhman.

The 123 pupils who sat A-levels at Hasmonean girls’ and boys’ schools achieved a 71.8 per pass rate in As and Bs, although this was down from last year’s 77 per cent.

“We’ve done very well this year,” executive head David Fuller maintained: “The percentage difference is not significant. We have changed a lot with the specifications and courses and have allowed students with a wider range of abilities to stay on. So we’re being more inclusive and that’s a step forward.”

At King Solomon in Redbridge, the pass rate was 97 per cent, with 38 per cent of pupils achieving A and B grades, 10 per cent lower than in 2008.

“Some years are strong and others are less strong,” was the reaction of headteacher Spencer Lewis. “Obviously we would have liked more As but it depends on the students each year.

“This particular year group didn’t do as well at GCSE — in their A-levels they did much better than expected.

“They all got into the universities and courses that they wanted and I’m really pleased with them.”

However, Liverpool King David High head teacher Brigit Smith said that some of her pupils were among more than 140,000 nationally who will go through clearing this year to get a university place.


SchoolNo. of pupilsPass rateA/B grade

Immanuel College60100%90%
JFS 226 100% 86%
King David Manchester101100%73.9%
Manchester Mesivta17100%70%
King David Liverpool73100%60.9%
Hasmonean 12399.7%71.8%
King Solomon High7497%38%