We the members of this holy congregation, together with the members of the United Hebrew Congregations of the commonwealth, join in prayer and thanksgiving for Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth on the Diamond Jubilee of her accession to the throne.
We, her loyal and devoted subjects, give thanks for her six decades of dedicated service to Britain and the Commonwealth and the wisdom and grace with which she has exercised it. In an age of change she has symbolised stability; at times of turmoil, order and justice; and in times of tension, generosity of spirit.
We thank her for her repeated acts of kindness to our community and its institutions; for the way she has promoted good relations between Christians and Jews, and between members of all faiths; and for the example she has set us all of the life of duty, conscientiously exercised yet lightly worn.
Her spirit has helped make Britain the tolerant country it remains, and we are privileged to have been blessed by all she does and is. In that spirit we offer this prayer:
Lord of the Universe, We come before You today in prayer and gratitude, for the gracious goodness You have bestowed upon our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth. Her crown is honour and majesty; her sceptre, law and morality, equality and freedom. Her concern has been for welfare, freedom and unity, and in the lands of her dominion she has sustained justice and liberty for all races, tongues and creeds.
Sixty years have passed since Her Majesty, the Queen, ascended the throne. Together with all our fellow citizens we fervently pray that she be granted many more years of blessing so that she may continue to bring honour and glory to the Crown and to all her people.
Heavenly Father, continue to bestow Your blessings on Her Majesty the Queen, on Prince Philip, the Prince of Wales and all the Royal family and prolong their years in health and strength. Grant wisdom and understanding to the leaders and counsellors of the realm so that they and we may walk together in the paths of unity, freedom and brotherhood.
May a new spirit inspire the nations of the world so that we may live together in righteousness and peace, and may the day dawn when Your presence will be manifest to all the dwellers on earth.
In this year of joyful remembrance and celebration, we express our deepest sentiments of loyalty, esteem and gratitude. We pray for the peace and prosperity of Britain, for the well being of the House of Israel, and for the redemption of all mankind under the sovereignty of God.
May this, our prayer, be Your will, speedily in our days. Amen