For this month’s blind date, our two hopeful singletons tucked into Italian deliciousness at the Kensington High Street branch of Spaghetti House
December 5, 2024 12:37By Karen Glaser
Pre-date jitters?
Not so much.
Your first impression?
Lissa seemed confident but relaxed, and was easy to talk to. She had a sparkle in her eye and I think for her – just like me – it was a treat to be there.
What were you hoping for from the evening?
I guess I was hoping to have a great evening, make a connection and take it from there.
Did the conversation flow?
Absolutely. Lissa has a fascinating story about how she came to be in the UK from the US, lots of shared insights into the highs and lows of motherhood and fatherhood respectively – and we discovered we have a shared appreciation of the American stand-up comedian Marc Maron and the sitcom Arrested Development!
Did you discuss matters Jewish?
Yes, a fair bit. From J-date to the relative merits of Liberal and Orthodox services to Borehamwood and the Oxford Shul.
Did Israel come up?
Yes. But it didn’t dominate conversation. We talked briefly about what Israelis think of the recent US election.
What was your favourite Spaghetti House dish?
I really enjoyed the minestrone. It was just right.
Would Lissa get on with your friends?
She’d get with some of them, others she might find too arty... Having said that, I think Lissa is more artistic than she thinks – from her appreciation of zany TV shows to the rather unusual ingredients she uses in her cookies!
Did sparks fly?
I really liked Lissa, there weren’t sparks though.
Did you discover people in common?
Any no-nos?
Plans to see each other again?
I’d gladly meet for a cuppa.
Lissa in three words?
Independent, chatty, open.
What do you think Lissa thought of you?
Liberal, a good listener, bit of a dreamer.
Pre-date jitters?
Yes, of course!
Your first impression?
Attractive, self-assured, well put together.
What were you hoping for from the evening?
A nice kick to get myself back out there.
Did the conversation flow?
It did, it really did.
Did you discuss matters Jewish?
We did. We talked about our Jewish upbringings and what it means to us now that we’re adults.
Did Israel come up?
It did. We talked about the bias in the media and how infuriating it is.
What was your favourite Spaghetti House dish?
The ravioli was delicious.
Would Joseph get on with your friends?
I think he would. He seems like the kind of guy that would get along with just about anyone.
Did you discover people in common?
Nope, but that’s OK.
Did sparks fly?
I’m not sure I would recognise it if they did.
Any no-nos?
I don’t want to throw Joseph under the bus (no pun intended), but he was a bit late and lateness irks me. Although I know sometimes it’s beyond our control – ah, TFL – so, of course, I understood.
Plans to see each other again?
No, but I would certainly say yes if he was game.
Joseph in three words?
Handsome, thoughtful, comfortable
What do you think Joseph thought of you?
If he wasn’t put off my Americaness... I have absolutely no idea. It was a lovely evening and Joseph was delightful company.