
50 shades of grey

September 29, 2014 11:21
1 min read

It may be the most 'parev' of colours but grey is having a bit of a fashion moment. Grey has a bad reputation in the world of colour- it's neither here nor there; needs a bright to compliment its' no-hue hue and conjures up memories of ghastly drab grey school uniform. This season however, designers bring life, energy and interest to a host of grey tones. Soft silver shades through to the darkest cloud greys look sophisticated when worn head-to-toe or effortlessly chic when teamed with a dark navy or pale pink. Grey is a welcome and softer change to black and the new blues that are also taking the reign on the colour spectrum.

Accessories and makeup are similarly following suit. While grey nail polish continues to be a strong favourite since Chanel's top-selling Particulière, a taupey-grey shade, and Dior's Gris Montaigne, a true mid-grey were launched at the beginning of the decade and copied by all.

It's truly time to wave goodbye to the association that grey is the invisible-blend-into-the-background-kinda-colour. Instead introduce it to the rest of your winter wardrobe essentials.