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The JC's departing editor shares his memories

December 16, 2021 14:58
Interviewing Lord Mandelson
5 min read

If you had told me when I arrived at the JC office in Furnival Street on the morning of 3 November 2008 that it would be, as it were, 13 years before I left, I would have thought you quite mad. But when I stepped down as editor last week it was somehow 13 years later.

Before I started I spoke with some of my predecessors. Geoffrey Paul, who offered sage advice to the novice, was clear: the sensible lifespan for a JC editor was seven years. After that, he said, everything repeats.

And if truth be told, much as I loved the job from the start, after six or seven years in situ, I could see that Geoffrey’s wisdom was as true in this regard as in everything else. But then something unprecedented happened.

For the first time in our country’s history, one of our mainstream parties elected as leader a man considered by many to be antisemitic — a politician with a career-long history of adopting causes embraced by Jew haters.