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Stephen Pollard

ByStephen Pollard, Stephen Pollard


Neil Clark - hypocrite

August 14, 2007 24:00
5 min read

You have to hand it to Neil Clark (readers bored by another post about this oaf, please just ignore this). His revolting piece on the importance of Iraqi translators being left in Iraq to be murdered began with a definition of the yiddish word chutzpah. Well, it takes one to know one, as they say.

Clark has complained about anonymous commenters. He also seems to have got it into his head at various times first that I am Joshua, a regularly commenter here and, now, that Oliver Kamm is Joshua. He also seems to think that Oliver is David T, a regular poster atHarry's Place. (I happen to know David T in non-blogging life; and if Oliver is Joshua then I am Mahatma Gandhi).

I happen to agree with the view that, generally, comments should only be left by 'real' people, although sometimes professional requirements force people to adopt an alias. So long as the aliases are consistent I think that's fair enough.