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The JC letters page, 17th August 2018

Melvyn Lipitch, J D Norman, Mohammed Amin MBE FRSA, Stan Labovitch, Gordon Kay, Stephen Vishnick, Ruth Jacobs and Bryan Diamond share their views with JC readers

August 16, 2018 08:41
6 min read

Rights and wrongs

Dr Tony Klug (Letters, August 10) sees Jewish and Palestinian self-determination as equal in that the Palestinians, unlike the Jews, have not achieved their aspirations. Yet national self-determination was bestowed by treaty to non-Jews in 99 per cent of the former Ottoman territories in the aftermath of the First World War, which later became independent Arab states.

Jews were denied national rights in these states but, in theory, retained civil and religious rights, while in Palestine the opposite was the case, national rights were specifically reserved for Jews and civil and religious rights assigned to non-Jews.

The Zionists seized the opportunity of a Jewish homeland when offered, albeit a whittled down version of the one originally promised. Why have the Palestinians not done the same during the past 100 years after having numerous opportunities, instead of galvanising their efforts in undermining Israel?

Melvyn Lipitch