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Dolar Armarshi Popat

ByDolar Armarshi Popat, Dolar Amarshi Popat


India and Israel: A relationship inspired by our communities in the UK

The blossoming relationship between India and Israel, marked by reciprocal state visits in just a few short months, is an expression of a new and necessary alliance in a rapidly shifting world

January 18, 2018 14:54
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Air Force Station in New Delhi
1 min read

When Benjamin Netanyahu touched down in New Delhi on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was waiting to greet him, literally with open arms.

But while Mr Modi’s gesture was unexpected, it should not come as a surprise.

The blossoming relationship between India and Israel, marked by reciprocal state visits in just a few short months, is an expression of a new and necessary alliance in a rapidly shifting world. Faced with unprecedented global challenges, leaders and people around the world are looking not only for answers, but for partners who share their concerns, aspirations and values. Against this backdrop, India and Israel are a natural fit.

When Mr Modi arrived in Tel Aviv in July, he spoke of how India and the Jewish state share a “deep and centuries-old” connection.