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Amona eviction is the appetiser for Netanyahu's battle royale

For the Israeli Prime Minister, the real fight will be with the settler lobby in the Knesset

February 1, 2017 12:50
2 min read

Benjamin Netanyahu has done everything he can to prevent a repetition of the first Amona eviction, which took place exactly 11 years ago, on February 1, 2006.

Back then, hundreds of young settlers, seeking to prevent the demolition of nine illegally-built homes, engaged in a pitched battle with police. Rocks were thrown from one side; baton charges and mounted officers came from the other. It ended in dozens of wounded and a long period of acrimony between the settlers and Ehud Olmert’s government.

On Wednesday morning, thousands of police walked up to Amona in three columns with empty hands, no helmets or body armour. The settlement leadership had promised in advance merely to "passively resist" evacuation, without violence.

To a degree, it worked. Stones and, in one case, a substance which could have been chlorine - or more likely cleaning fluid - were thrown at the officers by some of the 500 young supporters who arrived overnight. But by and large the resistance amounted to not much more than bouts of pushing and a temporary obstacle-course. It looked bad on television, but there were no serious casualties this time around.