Just ten days to the annual Etgar Challenge so get in the groove with this week's quiz
June 22, 2020 08:19Who should keep the Seven Laws of Noach?
a. just Noach
b. Noach and his three children
c. all Jews
d. all descendants of Avraham
e. all human beings
2. How many Members of Knesset are there?
a. 72
b. 120
c. 175
d. 200
e. 248
3. Who was Solomon’s mother?
a. Merav
b. Michal
c. Batsheva
d. Hannah
e. Yehudit
4. Who were the two spies who brought back a good report of the land of Israel?
a. Nadav and Avihu
b. Shimshon and Delilah
c. Yochanan and Zakai
d. Calev and Yehoshua
e. Nachshon and Yefuneh
5. We say Birkat Hamazon after
a. eating bread
b. drinking wine
c. eating at least three different foods
d. eating with friends
e. eating on Shabbat
6. Strauss Ice Cream is owned by:
a. Unilever
b. PepsiCo
c. McDonald
d. Walmart
e. Nestle
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Answers 1e, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5a, 6a