
What Will They Think of Next??

September 17, 2009 09:42
1 min read

As Rosh Hashana approaches and food banks all over Israel work overtime to distribute basic foods for the holiday to thousands of needy families, along comes a news release from a local PR firm about yet another project foisted on Israel by well-meaning, Israel-loving Christians.

"The largest flag in the world - the Jerusalem Flag - recognized by Guinness World Records, will be unfurled and raised at the Teddy Football Stadium in Jerusalem on September 17th, 2009, at 9 am.

The historic event will unfold when the world's largest flag – the Jerusalem flag – will be unfolded at the Teddy Football Stadium, Jerusalem, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

The gigantic flag, with the largest emblem of a lion ever sewed, measures 44,404 square meters (more than 4.3 hectares), was stamped by Guinness World Records on April 11, 2009, when first unfurled in the Philippines.

This unique project was the initiative of Mrs.Grace Galindez Gupana, a 48 year old Filipino businesswoman and Founder-President of Halleluyah Kingdom of Jerusalem Foundation (HKJF).

Mrs. Gupana said that the massive project, which cost $120,000, was carried out by six people who produced the flag in 120 days. The flag weighs 9.5 tons and will travel first through Israel and later around the world.

The launch will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 17 September. The event will start at 09:00 in the presence of representatives of the Israeli government and of the municipality of Jerusalem. Hundreds of children from schools in Jerusalem, musicians and singers like David D'or and politicians will attend the ceremony, which will climax in a helicopter lifting the flag above the stadium. The colorful and exciting event will continue until 12.00. At 15.00 p.m. Mrs. Gupana will meet the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, at his office.

Mrs. Gupana holds seven Guinness records, for amongst others the largest stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. She emphasizes her continuing support of Israel and its people."

Hmm...$120,000. It's not too difficult to figure out how many holiday food baskets that would pay for...