
Text of letter to Mr Sheldon

November 7, 2011 19:09
2 min read

The following letter was written by Kasim Hafeez to UJS Campaigns Director Dan Sheldon after he tweeted:

Delighted to see the regressive, “muzzie” haters come out to attack me: http://cifwatch.com/2011/11/01/jonathan-hoffman-vs-dan-sheldon-what-is-t.... Exactly the sort of friends we don’t need.

This tweet was made following a debate between Dan Sheldon and Jonathan Hoffman, where Hoffman came under a torrent of abuse and lies, often used against the co-Vice Chair of the ZF by anti zionist and anti semetic organizations.

Dear Dan,

I just wanted to thank you for clearing up any doubt that you were a reasonable and rationale individual, your actions in your debate, if it can be called that with the ‘Muzzie’ hater(as you said on Twitter) Johnathan Hoffman show you clearly are not. Firstly I take deep offence at you using the term Muzzie, no doubt your justification will be you used it ironically, well as a Muslim I’m just utterly disgusted, as someone who accuses Jonathan Hoffman of being linked to the EDL you use a term that finds favour with them, and before you decided to launch in to some paranoid twitter tirade about how people don’t understand irony or sarcasm, this is irrelevant, its term I find derogatory no matter what the context and I don’t think you would find it adequate to use a term as the N-word as sarcasm or ironically, they are vile offensive words and it just shows your ignorance of the world outside your own ego. Further to this as a Muslim, I feel I must come out in defence of Johnathan Hoffman, because he is passionate in defending Israel actively, and does not want to placate those who burn the Israeli flag, as I used to do many years ago, while you decide to meekly beg for acceptance. You present regurgitated unsubstantiated allegations that really do present you in the light of a vile and truly vindictive individual, The 2-state solution is the recognised solution to the Middle East, the Israeli government have always accepted this, instead of tackling issues of hate preachers and the demonization of Israel, you hand out Palestinian flags, wow I’m sure those under rocket fire in Ashkelon will be delighted in how your standing up for them.

Your actions as an individual have shown you don’t have the basics of respect and skills of debate so you launch in to a flurry of allegations and slurs that have no basis in the real world, but by your deeds and actions I very much doubt you have any grip on reality. But please do not use my community or the vilification of my community, the Muslim community to wrongly label Jonathan Hoffman as a ‘Muzzie Haters’, as you have in true George Galloway fashion to, further your own political and egotistical aims. As someone who was a fierce anti-Semite, brought up in the UK on a diet of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda, I know how real the dangers are and we must get the facts out against the flood of propaganda in my community. I am proud that I can call Jonathan Hoffman a brother in the fight against the hatred of Israel.

I leave you with the penultimate paragraph of the Declaration of Independence of the state of Israel:

“WE APPEAL to the Jewish people throughout the Diaspora to rally round the Jews of Eretz-Israel in the tasks of immigration and upbuilding and to stand by them in the great struggle for the realization of the age-old dream – the redemption of Israel.”

Yours Sincerely