Gilad Shalit is 23 on Friday 28 August. It is the fourth birthday he will "celebrate" in captivity.
Are you free on Friday 28 August to help with a GILAD SHALIT BIRTHDAY CAMPAIGN?
Activists are needed to hand out pieces of birthday cake, along with a leaflet about Gilad Shalit to raise awareness of his plight.
For more details of where this is taking place and how you can help, please be in touch with Gary Sakol 020 8202 0202
Today a birthday cake will also be delivered to the British Red Cross, who will be asked to accept it on behalf of Gilad Shalit, and to help put pressure on the International Red Cross to ensure he is visited.
Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons receive visits from their families. Please make your voice heard in the campaign to allow Gilad Shalit the same right.