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The Jewish Chronicle

Obsession with illness isn't healthy

August 12, 2010 10:10

ByCari Rosen, Cari Rosen

2 min read

I had never really understood the phrase "enjoying ill health" until the child turned two - and became a raving hypochondriac.

Nor had I realised quite how bad things had become until 3 o' clock one morning when I rushed (well, staggered) to her aid after hearing her sobbing: "Ring the doctor, ring the doctor."

As it happens on this occasion, her call for medical assistance was based solely on the fact that Squeak Squeak (her toy mouse) had fallen out of bed. However, this is but one example of her ever-growing preoccupation with matters of health.

She traps her finger in a book: "Take my temperature. I need medicine."