The Savoy hotel has announced that Tony Page Ltd has been given exclusive rights to provide kosher catering onsite.
Mr Page, who founded his company in 1991, said he was “honoured to include the Savoy within our iconic venues.
“I worked at the Savoy from 1964 to 1967 when I was at hotel school and I used to work in the evenings as a waiter there”.
He added that his company had previously provided kosher catering at the iconic central London hotel 20 years ago.
But “they decided at some point to provide their own kosher catering, and they’ve done an excellent job.”
However, the high-end caterer said he was confident that “we can bring something to them as a kosher caterer… providing a certain magic and style at the Savoy”.
Mr Page confirmed that the Fairmont hotel group, the Savoy’s owners, had first approached his company about the possibility of a partnership around six months ago.
He stressed that “having the Savoy… as a venue that we work on, albeit exclusively, doesn’t affect the relationships we have in existence with other places.”
Although the deal will take effect immediately, Mr Page said that kosher bookings made with the Savoy before the arrangement was finalised would be fulfilled by the hotel, rather than by his own company.
The Savoy has had its own kosher kitchen for many years, which continues to be supervised by the Sephardi Kashrut Authority .
He made clear that the new deal with the hotel would incur “no additional cost to the client.
“If you put the room hire and catering charges together, it actually works out about the same as what they were charging.”
Mr Page also talked of “almost a revolution” in terms of the company’s staff, with a number of new young chefs coming on board.
The Savoy confirmed the deal but did not provide further comment.