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Rabbi offers help to ‘three-day Rosh Hashanah’ council

Rabbi offers services as a religious adviser to council in Holy-day cock up.

September 19, 2008 13:46

ByLeon Symons, Leon Symons

1 min read

A rabbi has offered his services as a religious adviser to a council which invented a High Holy-day and scheduled a by-election on Yom Kippur.

Last week, the JC revealed how Haringey Council had chosen October 9 for the poll, believing it to be a less religious day than the previous Thursday, which it decided was the "third day of Rosh Hashanah".
Rabbi David Mason has now contacted the North London authority in an attempt to avoid further inconvenience for Jewish residents.

He said the council had become confused about the Fast of Gedalia (which begins at sunset as the second day of Rosh Hashanah ends) after using the BBC website's multi-faith calendar.

But the website carried no mention of the fast day when the JC checked this week. It is not known what other forms of advice the council had taken before making its decision.