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Labour activist behind attempts to prevent new rules to deal with antisemites

Glyn Secker is behind an emergency motion at Labour's conference in Brighton expressing "grave reservations" about new measures to fast-track expulsions.

September 20, 2019 15:22
Glyn Secker
2 min read

The Labour activist who in May told crowds at a pro-Palestinian march that “Jews are in the gutter” is at the forefront of move to stop the party introducing new rules on dealing with antisemites.

Glyn Secker is behind an emergency motion tabled ahead of this Sunday's debate at Labour's conference in Brighton expressing "grave reservations" about new measures to fast-track expulsions.

Despite his earlier suspension from the West Dulwich and Norwood Labour Party, Mr Secker has proposed the motion as a member of Lambeth and Southwark Unite Community union branch.

Labour's shadow cabinet and national executive committee (NEC) last week approved plans supported by Jeremy Corbyn to bring in a new rule allowing those deemed to have committed the most serious disciplinary cases to be expelled.