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Essex shul leaders quit over ‘deep divisions’

Nine resign at troubled Reform congregation, citing 'fundamental differences' over key matters

December 21, 2018 11:54
Rabbi Lisa Barrett

ByBen Weich, Ben Weich NEWBURY PARK

1 min read

Nine lay leaders of the troubled South West Essex and Settlement Reform Synagogue (Swesrs) have resigned en masse, citing “deep divisions” within the congregation.

The nine are president Paul Gersh; chairman Colin Joseph; vice-chair Judith Jacobs; secretary Jocelyn Laws; treasurer Jan Mortlock and council members Jerry Bernstein, Marion Joseph, Jack Matthews and Henry Smith.

They say they were “unable to carry out our roles on behalf of the community as effectively as we would wish, due to these divisions and constant friction”.

Steve Robbins, the new Swesrs chair, claimed to be “completely unaware” of any divisions.