Masorti’s vision for the next 10 years was outlined to a record 200 guests at the movement’s annual dinner at the New North London Synagogue, Finchley, on Sunday.
“We aim to double our membership, bringing the amount of individuals in the Masorti family to 15,000,” chief executive Matt Plen told them. “We also hope to establish new synagogues in key demographic areas.”
Services for youngsters and young adults were paramount, with investment in both Noam and Marom, “our highly successful youth movements, that will foster generational loyalty. And, of course, we will continue to resource our dynamic lay and rabbinic leadership development programmes. After all, Masorti Judaism is all about providing traditional Judaism for modern Jews.”
Senior Masorti rabbi, New North London’s Jonathan Wittenberg, said the movement was “the only place where I feel I can really be Jewish in a sense that I can truly understand as authentic”.