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Britain must invest more to remain influential in the Middle East after Brexit, Bicom says

UK will have to 'prove itself almost a bit more... and show that it’s still a global player'

November 28, 2018 18:48
Israeli flag Houses of Parliament
4 min read

Britain will “inevitably have to invest more in diplomatic missions, cultural outreach, trade, aid and military capabilities” to remain an influential power in the Middle East after Brexit, a new report from Bicom has warned.

The paper, released by the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre on Thursday, says that “maintaining defence spending at or above the two per cent Nato target is also critical… for signalling the UK’s continued global role, influence and capability, to US and European allies, as much as to partners in the Middle East.”

It also recommends that the UK “deepen” its co-operation with Gulf States, both in security and by seeking “a comprehensive free trade deal with the GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] states.”

Speaking to the JC, Bicom chief executive James Sorene agreed that there was a sense of Britain “having to prove itself almost a bit more after Brexit and show that it’s still a global player”.