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How a man rescued his Down's syndrome brother from a care home in lockdown

Manni Coe set off from his home in Spain after receiving a troubling text from Reuben

May 5, 2023 10:19
5 min read

In November 2020, when Manni Coe received an unsettling text from his brother, Reuben, containing just five words: “brother. do. you. love. me.” he knew exactly what it meant.

Manni was at home in Andalusia where he runs an independent travel company, and Reuben, 39, who has Down’s syndrome, was living in a care home in Dorset, depressed and isolated in lockdown.

“He knows I love him so when I got the message, I knew it wasn’t a question,” Manni explains. “There wasn’t a question mark — Reuben doesn’t really use punctuation. It was coded and I interpreted it as, ‘If you love me, then show me the colour of your love.’

It was almost as if he was throwing down the gauntlet and saying, ‘You need to come and get me out of here.’ I saw it as an SOS.”

Supported by his family and his partner, Jack, Manni, 49, left Spain for the UK on a rescue mission, a “bronap”, as he called it, collecting Reuben from his care home and taking him to Jack’s cottage in the countryside.

For 26 weeks, Manni slowly assisted Reuben’s recovery and rebuilt his sense of self. “I felt that Reuben was really plummeting, and it needed to happen,” Manni says, speaking via Zoom from Reuben’s Dorset flat, where he has lived for almost two years.

Reuben had become non-verbal, “almost like he had disappeared”, and a psychiatrist had given only a ten per cent chance that he would return to his former self. “I believed him because who am I to not believe a clinical psychiatrist, but I wasn’t willing to accept it,” he says.

“I knew I had to try and fight to get my brother back because Reubs has been such a big part of my life, of Jack’s and my relationship and our sense of wellbeing together — the three of us. I love Reuben, probably more than anybody on the planet, and I wasn’t willing to let him go.”

The brothers are sitting close together in the kitchen, Manni’s arm draped over his brother’s shoulders. Behind them is a big picture of a rainbow made by the artist Gene Bible.