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Thoughts on kosher school lunches

Why is food so bad at children's schools? And it's not even healthy.

January 16, 2018 21:21
fish fingers.jpg
1 min read

I'm an anomaly. I loved school dinners.

To be fair, as a child — and as an adult — I'd eat pretty much anything. Custard skin, lumpy mash and dry fish fingers. Nothing was unpalatable to the greedy mini me.  

Neither of my children inherited the unfussy gene. They're happiest eating sandwiches or breakfast cereals. At home I do my best to instil the menu with as much nourishment as possible. Peanut butter and apple on Vogel bread; cucumber and carrot crudites on the side of every meal. Proper food (ie: not breakfast fare) at least once a day and no desserts other than fruit, natural yoghurt or perhaps a handful of nuts - for the child who actually eats nuts. (sigh)

What I object to are the meals they are served at school. State school budgets being what they are (teeny, tiny) contract caterers are hired to do the best they can on a tiny sum. But why do they then provide is a menu that most under 11's are more than likely to turn their noses up at. And then, instead of sitting them down at a table with one meal for them to share and taste, family-style, the school gives the the opt-out of a sandwich or baked potato .