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The Party Ends - Knesset Votes to Investigate Leftist Funding

January 5, 2011 22:28
2 min read

The Knesset plenum voted 41:17 Monday to establish a parliamentary committee of inquiry that will look into the sources of funding for non-governmental "human rights" groups that act against the Israel Defense Force and undermine the perceived legitimacy of the State of Israel.

The resolution was proposed by MK Faina Kirshenbaum (Israel is Our Home), after lobbying by grassroots student movement Im Tirtzu and other nationalist groups.

The inquiry intends to expose the sources of funding for groups like B'Tselem, Yesh Din and Machsom Watch, that monitor IDF soldiers' activities and report on them to the press and to hostile foreign bodies like the Goldstone Committee.

The plenum's decision is a continuation of the momentum that began in February, when a media campaign by Im Tirtzu placed the public spotlight on the activity of the New Israel Fund and the groups it supports.