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And we're still fond of you, Moz!

July 22, 2012 14:44
1 min read

I knew you were something different, Moz, as soon as I – not-so-sweet sixteen, in November 1983 – first saw you, swinging those gladioli on Top of the Pops.

And I can still hear my mother mimicking the "uh-huh-hos" blaring from my bedroom after I had raced back from Our Price, Brent Cross, with my The Smiths cassette.

I was in your audience in Tel Aviv, yesterday evening.

And at a time that most of the world is kicking us in the nadgers – the IOC refusing a minute's silence for the 11 Israelis murdered in Munich and spineless muppets like Marc Almond cancelling gigs here, for fear of offending Islamofascist anti-Semites and their Israel-only bashing apologists (of the variety that blight this site) – I thank you, Moz, for standing by us.