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Susan Reuben: Was a mum right to call her son's barmitzvah photo 'male privilege'?

Women and girls shouldn't have their spiritual choices limited by tradition, says Susan Reuben

August 1, 2019 11:08
Male privilege?
3 min read

A few weeks ago, a friend posted a picture on her Facebook page. “To me, this photo just says ‘male privilege’” she wrote.

The picture was of her son, at a weekday shacharit service, being called up to the Torah for the first time. The scene showed a classic synagogue interior with a central bimah, fixed pews all around and, at the back, a thick net curtain for the women to sit behind. The barmitzvah boy was flanked by his father and grandfathers, with other male congregants looking on.

My friend — Eve Sacks — took the photo from the balcony which at least, she acknowledged, meant she could get a good camera angle.

Eve holds a strong and vocal position within her community, and so the response to her post was overwhelming, with many comments both in support and opposition. Some refused to engage with her argument at all, but instead accused her of missing the point. After all, this was her son’s first aliyah. “Why can’t you just enjoy it?” they asked, and “Don’t get so worked up!”, and “Go with the flow!”.